It’s all about people, processes, policies and safeguarding.
We offer real-life experience business mentoring for up and coming employees or for you, the business leader.
And then there is the day-to-day HR operational stuff that we take care of so you don’t have to worry, or employ full time staff to manage it all.
“Pick & Mix” what you require or let us sort out all of your HR requirements – “In A Box”.
What's in the Box
Despite the myths, leaders are not always born – a lot of it comes down to experience and learning on the job.
We help develop you and your team – to take that energy and vision and turn it into a compelling reason for people to not only stay with you, but jump off the cliff edge with you – to believe in what you are there to achieve and trust in your leadership.
Our confidential and fluid 6 step programme is designed to reflect the individual.
We support leaders at all levels who are managing everything from flexible working to returning Mums or Dads; we help make sure you or your team member feel heard and supported and recognise how you, or they, fit into the team.
Finding and hiring good people can be challenging and time consuming – and agencies are expensive.
As part of the all round support we provide, we can work with you to help source good people much more affordably, by hiring for you or working with key partners at great rates.
HR Admin
We help you keep your crucial people on board – preparing contracts, policies and procedures and advising on HR policy with an experienced HR specialist in our team.
We will introduce Quality Management Frameworks to take care of your people, who in turn take care of your business.
Keeping Talent
Keeping hold of those great people is a combination of all of the above – great leadership, careful recruitment, supportive mentoring and good HR support.
Starting again with new team members can be expensive and take up a lot of your time – much better to try and hold onto that amazing team.